Misconceptions about Fruits Consumption among Nursing Mothers
Fruits Consumption among Nursing Mothers
Misconceptions, fruit consumption, nursing mothers, pregnancy fruit misconceptionsAbstract
Abstract: Poor nutritional practices especially in pregnancy and early childhood can result in dire consequences in the growth and development of a child. The nutritional status of nursing children can be determined by maternal knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions towards certain foods.Objective:This study was conducted to find out the existing beliefs and practices about food misconceptions among nursing mothers at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore. Methods:Data size was 100 nursing mothers and they were selected through non probability convenient sampling technique. SPSS version 21.0 was used to analyze data. Results:Findings showed that majority of mothers were practiced false dietary habits for the sake of good health of their children. Total 83 nursing mothers were practiced these misconceptions because their family elders told them. It was considered that banana increase mucus production(89), oranges increase soreness of throat(76), mango increase the chance of allergy in children, dates are hot(70) and papaya can cause miscarriage(58). Conclusions:Current Study concluded that existence of food myths and taboos was very common among nursing mothers and they also practiced it. Fruits such as papaya, mango and saffron were practiced as hot and also considered as anti-pregnancy fruits.
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