Assessment of biochemical profile among patients of Microbiological Quality Assessment of Bakery Products Available in Lahore, Pakistan
Microbiological Quality Assessment of Bakery Products Available in Lahore, Pakistan
Bakery products, Microbial assessment, Coliform bacteria, Fecal Coliform bacteria, Yeast.Abstract
Bakery items are a vital element of a well-balanced diet, and supermarket shelves now stock a wide range of them. Bakery items are the most popular ready-to-eat foods (REF).Objective:To assess the microbial quality of bakery foods (Bread, Cake and patties) and check the total plate count (TPC), bacterial and yeast count Methods:The analysis of the microbial quality of bakery products was determined for three different bakery products (bread, cake and patties) at ten different locations collected from a renowned bakery in Lahore, Pakistan. The samples were assessed under complete hygienic conditions by standardized plate count (TPC) and MPN method. Micro-organisms (Coliform, Fecal Coliform and Yeast) were lately confirmed by their morphological characteristics and biochemical tests Results: Among the three commodities, bread was found to be highly contaminated by micro-organisms and the total plate count recorded was 4.7 x 105cfu g-1collected from sector I9 which is not consumable. Whereas Patties showed the number of TPC as 1.6 x 105 cfu g-1also collected from sector I9. Cake was revealed as least infected bakery product i.e., 5.7 x 104 cfu g-1. The above results showed that sector I9 is highly contaminated and a threat for health. Bacterial plate count (Coliform and Fecal Coliform count) was highly measured in bread as 460 MPN g-1 taken from sector I5 where as it remains under the permissible limit determined by WHO, 1994 in remaining sectors Conclusions:In conclusion the bakery food is contaminated by the use of un-hygienic water, miss handled during the process after baking i.e., slicing, serving and packaging. To avoid a possible epidemic of food borne illness, competent authorities should conduct a stricter and more stringent inspection of REFs sold to clients in bakeries.
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