Evaluation of Liver Changes in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients using Computed Tomography
Liver Changes in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients using Computed Tomography
Fatty liver disease, Diabetes mellitus , Hypertension, Computed tomographyAbstract
There is an association between hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver, and diabetes mellitus. Diabetic patients commonly have fatty liver and heart problems. Objective: To evaluate the adverse effects of diabetes on the liver, and to determine the association between diabetes and metabolic associated fatty liver disease using Computed Tomography. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted on 50 diabetic patients using convenient sampling method. The research was carried out in CT Department of Radiology of Tertiary care hospital in Gujranwala, Pakistan. Males and females between the ages of 30-80 who had undergone abdominal CT scans were included in this study. A written consent form was also signed by patients. This study was conducted over 4 months from December 2021 to March 2022. Data were entered and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results: The current study revealed that male diabetic patients have more chances to have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 33(66%) than females 17(34%). The diabetic patients of in senior age group (50-60) years were most commonly affected by 27(54%) with metabolic-associated fatty liver disease. According to findings diabetic patients frequently had fatty liver disease 22(44%) and fatty liver disease along with cardiovascular disease was 11(22%). Some other findings with less occurrence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease were hypertension and hyperlipidemia 7(14%). Conclusion: In conclusion, diabetic patients are more common to be related with fatty liver disease. There was strong connection between diabetes mellitus and fatty liver disease. Elderly patients are more commonly affected.
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